Why are latin women so beautiful?

2019-08-06 16

Obviously who any individual is attracted to will vary, and yes beauty is subjective. But I can think of a few possible reasons (feel free to disagree and write a rebuttal):

Many of the women that we may be more likely to see are of Spanish descent. By Spanish I mean that their ancestry is literally from Spain. The Spanish settlers came, colonized, and ruled as the upper class over the natives in Latin America. Why the Spanish are better looking is a topic for another post.
People tend to be attracted to skin tone in the middle. On the dating apps, African Americans tend to struggle, and white women obsess over tanning their skin bronze. Latin girls already have the ideal skin tone.
This may not apply for Hispanic American girls who moved up north, but as they typically live in Latin America, Florida, or the deep south, they live in hot weather. When you walk around all day half naked you better believe you'll care more about your body than the women in the north who wear four layers of clothing 8 months a year.
As people have been saying, they observe more traditional gender roles. I'm sure that there are pretty feminists out there, but most third wave feminists that most guys think of are masculine, unpolished, and unconcerned with looks. And we're all committed to equality at this point but we can't escape our biology. Men like to be needed, and we get a rush when we take care of women.

source for the video: https://www.onewife.com/latin-women/

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