Plane makes an emergency landing on Washington highway

2019-08-05 94

WASHINGTON — State Trooper Clint Thompson's patrol turned Hollywood when a prop plane glided towards the highway in a clip that was caught on his cruiser's dashcam.

KOMO News reports that the emergency landing occurred Thursday around 8:00 am on Pacific Avenue South, also known as State Route 7.

The single-prop KR2 aircraft was being flown by pilot David Acklam who told KOMO News that he was flying to work when his engine quit on him.

Dennis Diessner, a motorist on the road at the time, said the small plane came so close to his vehicle that he thought he could have reached out and touched it.

Many motorists gawped in amazement as the plane touched down on the tarmac and then appropriately stopped at the red light.

Pierce Sheriff Department took to Twitter to say that the prop plane ran out of gas and that it was taken off the road promptly.

Public Information Officer for Washington State Patrol, Johnna Batiste tweeted that after 21 years on patrol, this was a first for Tropper Thompson.

Fortunately, the spectacle resulted in no damages or injuries.

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