Military operation neighborhood Parque Patricios - Buenos Aires 1973

2019-08-04 15

Bs. As .: Report where the journalist Cesar Mascetti comments: "The spectacular operation carried out by a group of combined forces of Army and Police, from the early hours of today reached its climax at 4:00 pm, in the neighborhood of Parque Patricios The alarm, the surprise spread rapidly around the place, this is how the neighbors do not understand here, to explain the fact.The police have a rigorous order, not to let anyone pass, so the In the case of people living just meters from this place, they cannot access their homes.One of the centers of this operation is located at 3090 Pedro Chutro Street. Here, according to the information in our possession, it has been made the discovery of an important group of weapons. " Report to a group of neighbors, in which they are asked: - Sir, do you live here in this house? -Who are the owners of this house? -Do you know the owners of the house here, in Chutro 3090? -What kind of people are they? - Have you lived in the neighborhood for a long time? - The information as you know, records that weapons have been found inside that house? -How many people live in the house? -The son how old is he? Then the journalist comments: "Right now if the camera turns, it will detect precisely the material that is taken from this place." Report to a sub-inspector of the Federal Police of Argentina, in which he is asked: - Forgiveness, one question only; Is this the kidnapped material? - Can we remember that it is 2 guns that we see; In addition to numerous bullets? -How does this procedure take place, Mr. Inspector? - Now it can be deduced that they belong to an extremist group? - Now what we want to know is if this deployment of military personnel is due exclusively to that case or is there something else? -What other kinds of things are in this box? -Are there people arrested? -The name of the inhabitants of the house? -Could you please show the shotgun? - That name sir, is that of the owner of the house? - Elsa Leon de Codecido is the owner of the house? (Answer: Yes) -Do you go where you are leaving now? (Answers: Towards police station No. 32) - Do you mean that the operation will lift its positions from this moment? Then the journalist comments: "You have just heard the order, there will be a slogan. - There is the material, abundant material located in the back of the car." (Cesar Mascetti)
Reference: In Pedro Chutro 3090 a house is raided where weapons, ammunition and qualified extremist literature were kidnapped. Its owner, José Codecido, owns a hardware store, had two guns and a shotgun.
Date: 10/4/1973
Duration: 4 minutes 29 seconds
Film code: C-00433

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