일본 경제보복에 따른 시민단체 긴급 기자회견..."내일 대규모 3차 촛불집회"
Staying here in the nation.
Civic groups lashed out at Tokyo over its trade measures.
Some 600 organizations took to the streets in protest of the Japanese government.
Won Jung-hwan has the details.
Frustration and anger has boiled over among many civic organizations in South Korea.
Following Japan's Cabinet's approval of a proposal to strip South Korea from the "whitelist" of countries subject to preferential trade status,… South Korean citizens and civic groups gathered in the streets to condemn Japan's decision,… calling on Abe's administration to withdraw its "economic retaliation" against Korea.
They held up banners that read, "No Abe " while shouting slogans like "We condemn Abe."
One of the leaders of the organization delivered their view on why Abe is curbing exports to Korea.
"I think the move by Abe's gang is an attempt to formalize and expand the status of the de facto military,... through the reform of Japan's constitution. However, we are confident that such an attempt will fail eventually."
He continued by saying that what Abe is doing now can be seen as militarism and it's the civic organizations' responsibility to fight for world peace.
"The second purpose behind Abe's goal is to knock down international peace,… our people won't allow that and the global people who love world peace will never accept it"
The civic organizations will meet again on Saturday for their third candlelight vigil in front of the Japanese embassy,... and they are planning a massive rally against the Japanese administration on the Liberation Day of August 15th at Gwanghwamun Plaza
Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.