1 in 10 Adults 65 and Older
Binge Drink The news comes from a recently revealed report in the 'Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.' To get results, data from nearly 11,000 people
who took part in the National Survey on
Drug Use and Health was analyzed. The subjects, who were over 65, completed the survey at
one point from 2015 to 2017. Approximately 10.6% of all total participants
were then found to have "binge drank" in the
last month leading up to the survey. Consuming five alcoholic beverages or more at
once is considered to be "binging" for men,
while for women it is four or more. Lead study author Dr. Benjamin Han, via
NBC News Senior author Joseph Palamar,
via NBC News For 65 year olds and up, the
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse
and Alcoholism says three drinks
should be the daily maximum.