폼페이오 "한일, 갈등 완화할 길 찾길 희망한다"
Staying in Thailand,... U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he hopes South Korea and Japan will "together, themselves" find a path forward.
The remark came during a joint presser with the host nation's FM after their bilateral talks.
Pompeo added that both Seoul and Tokyo are important allies of Washington, and that he will have a chance to meet with his South Korean and Japanese counterparts on Friday.
He is slated to sitdown with Ministers Kang and Kono separatedly, followed by a trilateral talk with both of them Friday afternoon.
On North Korea, Pompeo said America stands ready to continue its diplomatic conversation with the regime.
And despite not being able to meet with Pyeongyang's officials while in Bangkok, Pompeo said he is optimistic that their working-level talks will resume eventually.