Heatwave alerts issued nationwide _ 080119

2019-08-01 0

날씨: 전국에 폭염특보 발효

With the rain clearing up,... the central region has heatwave alerts in place for tomorrow.
For more details, let's turn to our Michelle Park at the weather center, Michelle?
The strong rain will completely dissipate by tomorrow, to be replaced with the stinging sun.
But neighboring places like Beijing will have a cooler day with continuing rainstorms.
With unbearably hot conditions, many parts of the south of the country have been issued with heatwave alerts.
As for tomorrow,... Seoul and the rest of the country will also be under a heat wave advisory.

We'll be sweating under a tropical night as Seoul's Friday low stays at 25 degrees Celsius,... and there's similar temperatures elsewhere.
Keep in mind though, as the atmosphere is unstable,... the nation can expect local showers at any time,... with Seoul soaring up to 33 degrees, and Daegu and Gyeongju topping 36 degrees.
We are expecting higher daytime highs into the weekend.
And with straight days of sunny weather in the forecast,... the mercury could hit 36 degrees in Seoul by next Monday.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.