Suby 鄭舒尹《卡樂斯旅途/The Trip to Colors》
這張專輯是Suby 鄭舒尹的首張原創電子音樂專輯,摩羯座的她把這幾年來對人生對音樂對旅行對生活的感悟全部用音樂記錄了下來,希望每一個我們當被工作或學習壓得透不過氣的時候,聽聽這張專輯,試試看音樂的力量能帶給我們些什麼,或是可以帶我們去哪裡?比如說洛杉磯的陽光、巴賽隆納的海風,馬塞的沿海公路, 遠古時代的戰火,甚至是音樂節上被煙火點亮的天空,也許閉上眼還能看到那個深愛的他⋯⋯這些充滿色彩的畫面也許是我們似曾相似的故事又或許是我們嚮往的美好。這個時代的我們往往神經性頹廢,我們真的需要精神性燦爛。讓音樂帶我們去另一個空間,那裡充滿了無限的色彩跟快樂。
《Calling my diamonds》:
好萊塢電影《倫敦陷落》選為宣傳主題曲, 這是一部以反恐,世界和平,社會安定為題材的作品,正義在每一個人心中閃爍耀眼光芒。 遠古時代,人類因為原罪而引起了戰爭,但是渴望和平的正義是永遠不會被磨滅。灰暗的色調中閃爍著鑽石的光芒。慶幸我們都生活在和平年代,peace 就是我們電子音樂精神PLUR中的和平,喚醒我們人性最美好的閃光點,世界和平社會安定是我們毎一個人的責任。而每一個你們都是閃爍的鑽石。
Suby Cheng鄭舒尹《Calling My Diamonds》
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Calling My Diamonds
演唱:suby cheng鄭舒尹
詞:suby cheng鄭舒尹
曲:suby cheng鄭舒尹
If you’re feeling the beat
Where the bass at
If you’re ready to go
We can rock that
Lets make our way to the floor
Lets show em what we can do
Gonna give it to you
Can you take that
Drop it low, if you lovin’
the feedback
I need my girls by my side
We’re taking over tonight
Yeah we’ll be burning your eyes
cause we’ll be shining so bright
If you know what you like then,
Follow me
When we’re together we light
Up all the stars in the sky
No there’s no stopping us
We’re here to be seen
Pre Chorus
Callin my diamonds
Callin my diamonds
In the rough, In the rough
Callin’ All
Callin’ All
My diamonds yeah’, where you at
Callin’ all
Callin’ all
My diamonds come and shine for me
Hey, hey, hey
Na Na Na Na
Callin’ All
Callin’ All
My diamonds yeah’, where you at
Callin’ all
Callin’ all
My diamonds come and shine for me
Verse 2
If you’re feeling the flow
Where the boys at
If you’re beggin for more
We can give that
We know what you want to do
But can you handle our crew
Check us out
We’ll be comin’ for your spot
Taking over the party is on lock
All eyes on us in the room
Bet you’re enjoying the view
For all of my gems
My precious stones
For all of my girls
They already know
That they are worth more
Then silver and gold
Cause diamonds are forever⋯
My diamonds come and shine for me
編曲:suby cheng鄭舒尹