S. Korea's National Assembly holds Q&A session on pending security issues

2019-07-30 6

South Korea's National Assembly is holding a questions session with the ministers of foreign affairs and unification on pending security issues today.
A lot of issues are on the table,... including Japan's trade retaliation and North Korea's recent missile launches.
For more, we connect with our political correspondent Kim Min-ji on the phone.
Min-ji, I understand a hot debate is underway

Yes Ji-yoon.
We're just about two hours into the session,... and the focus so far pretty much has been on Japan's export curbs.
Foreign minister Kang Kyung-wha said the government is preparing for all possible scenarios,... especially with Tokyo set to remove Seoul from its whitelist of countries that face minimal trade restrictions.
She said the government continues to demand that Japan lift its restrictions and halt its plans to take Seoul off its list calling for dialogue to resolve the issue diplomatically.
Rival lawmakers are demanding a stronger response to Tokyo's actions... and called for all out efforts to ease tensions through talks with Japan and the U.S. during the ASEAN Regional Forum.
On North Korea, the regime's recent missile launches topped the agenda.
Unification minister Kim Yeon-chul said that Seoul has expressed regret against the move,... and that it goes against the military agreement reached between the two Koreas last year to ease tensions on the peninsula.
Rival lawmakers called for Seoul to play an active role in the denuclearization and peace process,... saying that it should not be in the backseat.
That's all I have for now,... but I'll have updates in our later newscast.

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