11 Brilliant Kitchen Hacks To Reduce Food Waste
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Every household produces a shocking amount of garbage – in the kitchen alone, huge amounts of waste are produced every single day. But that doesn't have to be the case! In fact, you can recycle and upcycle so much of it, as the following 12 tips & tricks will show.
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1. Plant Fertilizer from Kitchen Waste
Are your potted plants starting to droop and look sad and pathetic? Have they decided to stop growing altogether? Even putting them in a good location and watering them regularly doesn't always help in such a situation because what your plants actually need is energy in the form of fertilizer. But you won't need to resort to using expensive and sketchy products loaded with strange chemicals – everything you need is right in your trash can! Learn more here: https://www.cleverly.me/kitchen-ferti...
2. Candle from Mandarin Orange Peel
Mandarin oranges are simply delicious – this vitamin-rich citrus fruit makes a healthy snack and it's always a pleasure to see kids grabbing for these sweet treats instead of the usual sugary candies found in the grocery store. Now you can peak their interest even more with this very simple trick of transforming a mandarin orange peel into a cute little candle. Learn more here: https://www.cleverly.me/mandarin-glow
3. – 10. Creative Ways To Upcycle Used Coffee Grounds
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world: hot, aromatic, invigorating — what's not to love? And even the used coffee grounds bring something to the mix. So the next time you pull them out of the coffee machine and find yourself headed towards the trash can — hold on! There are so many great ways to make the most out of your used coffee grounds, from beauty hacks to kitchen hacks to decorating hacks, and the list goes on and on! Learn more here: https://www.cleverly.me/8-coffee-grou...
11. Fresh Food from Kitchen Waste
There's nothing like growing your own fruits and vegetables. You know exactly where they come from, they contain no pesticides, everything is local and organic – and then there's the taste! But believe it or not, you don't need your own garden or seeds to enjoy the crunchiest, freshest greens. Though you won't get far without soil and a plant pot, you at least have the key ingredients right there on the cutting board. Here's how to turn your kitchen waste into a continuous supply of fresh produce! Learn more here: https://youtu.be/ZIyyMqkWh74
Would you have ever guessed that you could reuse almost all of your kitchen and food waste with such simple hacks? Awesome!