BOK will replace damaged currency if at least three-quarters of bill is intact

2019-07-22 40

손상된 화폐, 4분의 3 이상 남아있어야 전액 교환 가능

Damaged banknotes, including burnt ones, can be replaced if at least three-quarters of the bill is intact.
According to the Bank of Korea, nearly two billion U.S. dollars worth of damaged bills and coins were discarded by the central bank in the first half of this year.
The central bank replaces damaged currency for the full amount if at least three-quarters of the bill is intact …and to half the amount if at least two-fifths of the bill is unscathed.
If the bill is burnt, the parts covered in ash also count as intact …so rather than brushing the ashes off, it's best to bring the bills to the bank as they are.