Dr. Bharat Sangani - Health, Wealth and Wisdom - investor's perspective

2019-07-22 5

What is my plan going forward but as you
said we did health we did wealth and I
believe we have a very good relationship
with the people who really matter to me
so I can now show people how to create
wisdom in their life so take a step back
you want to learn health today you can
go to medical school you can go to
nursing school you can go to some
clinics and they can teach you health
all day long you want to learn wealth
today you can go to university you can
go to Harvard you can go to those
courses and they show you how to make
money you want to learn wisdom you can
go to temple churches any religious
places or any other areas where they can
say how do you control your mind and how
do you become happy but guess what as of
today I do not know a single place which
can teach all three items under one roof
and that's my vision that has been my
vision from a very very early young age
but I want to create a physical
University mind you I'm not just saying
let's just go ahead and teach all this
stuff on a book or this or one-on-one
talking I'm really talking about
creating a large physical place that
people have to enroll so what is that
vision well somewhere around here you're
going to buy probably 100 200 300 acres
of land and we are going to completely
fence it and I'll tell you why people
will actually be just like you going
enroll at Harvard you know to actually
enroll in health wealth and wisdom
University and we can call it hww
University but we can call anything
purpose of life University whatever name
they come up with now people do enroll I
also believe that all these three things
cannot go simultaneously it has to go in
sequence so first a person shows up at
the University we are going to make sure
that he is healthy it is overweight over
the past 25 years I've been practicing I
found a method by which we can control
the weight
we can work on their obesity this it is
one of the largest problem in the United
States right here if we can secure that
or at least control that we already
brought a lot of happiness to a lot of
people and I think we have an ability
now because of what I've done in the
past 25 30 years if the person comes
under a closed fence environment and if
we control their food and create other
activities I'm almost certain that we'll
be able to help almost all if not
everybody to lose weight to being a
physician will set up a clinic will set
up a small hospital if somebody is a
diabetes somebody's high blood pressure
all of those things will control so
we'll first get this person fully
healthy and now once the person is
healthy now we'll say let us talk about
your wealth how to create wealth for you
now we all know not everybody is
designed to do business some people are
designed to work for somebody
some people are designed to make other
people work for them or with them.