Elon Musk Wants to Create Direct Human Connections to Computers

2019-07-18 51

Elon Musk Wants to Create Direct Human Connections to Computers During a recent presentation at the California Academy
of Sciences, Elon Musk described his new goal of
creating “symbiosis with artificial intelligence.” He plans to achieve this by implanting
chips into human brains, allowing them
to “merge” with artificial intelligence (AI). The chips receive and process brain
activity through "neural lace," which
is robotically stitched into the brain. According to Musk, animal testing is already
underway and he believes the first prototype could
be implanted in a human by the end of 2020. The project is being executed by his company,
Neuralink Corp, which was founded in 2016. The initial goal of his “ultra-high bandwidth
brain-machine interfaces” was to help with
symptoms of chronic conditions, but Musk also intends for the chip to be used
to “create a well-aligned future” and to secure
“humanity’s future as a civilization relative to AI.” Elon Musk, via
Neuralink Corp