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S. Korea, Japan must solve trade dispute through dialogue, creative solutions: official

2019-07-17 3

韓 정부 관계자 "한미일 공조 위해 한일갈등 건설적으로 해결해야"

The South Korean government has reiterated that the trade dispute with Japan should be resolved constructively, and both sides should move ahead in a future-oriented direction.
A government source told foreign press in a briefing on Wednesday... that Seoul hopes to settle the issue through dialogue and creative solutions.
The government believes that's the best way to maintain solidarity between Korea, the U.S., and Japan,... especially amid the numerous challenges in the region.
The official also said that Japan has to honor its promise made at the G20 Summit in Osaka last month,... that it will continue to uphold the principles of free trade.
He warned that such actions, violating WTO rules, will break the global value chain.
There will be dire consequences, he said, from those trade sanctions which in his words will have "adverse effects" on semiconductor lines at companies like Apple, Amazon, Dell and Sony.
They will also affect billions of consumers around the globe.