Controversial Suicide Scene Cut From '13 Reasons Why'

2019-07-16 41,602

Controversial Suicide Scene
Cut From '13 Reasons Why' Netflix has announced their decision to
remove the graphic suicide scene in the
first season of ’13 Reasons Why.’ The show, centered around the suicide of
character Hannah Baker, has long been
criticized for romanticizing suicide. Show creator Brian Yorkey said in a statement
that although the intention of the scene was to
portray the “ugly, painful reality of suicide,” he has heard the "concerns
about the scene” and understands
the necessity of removing it. Brian Yorkey,
via statement Suicide prevention advocates have praised
the decision, with a number of organizations
having released a joint statement. via 'The Hollywood Reporter' Season three of ’13 Reasons Why’
is set to be released this summer,
with no official date announced yet.