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S. Korea proposes conducting investigation by int'l body on Japan's allegations

2019-07-12 6

NSC "제재위반 국제기구에 조사의뢰…韓잘못 없으면 日규제철회"

South Korea has called for a joint investigation by an international organization... of both Japan and itself... to see whether either of them have violated the international sanctions on North Korea.
In a briefing at the Blue House on Friday,... Deputy Director of National Security Kim You-geun expresed regret over the claims made by Japanese officials, without proof,... that South Korea has been violating the UN-led sanctions on North Korea by allegedly sending the regime strategic materials.
Listen to this.
"The Japanese government needs to provide clear evidence of the South Korean government's alleged misconduct and breaking of laws. To end this unnecessary dispute and clarify the truth of Japan's claims, or a lack thereof, our government proposes that the two countries request a fair investigation of each country's export control violations by an expert panel at the UN Security Council or another relevant international organization."
Kim said that South Korea has been faithfully implementing the resolutions as a member of the United Nations.
If the investigation finds proof that South Korea has committed such acts,... he said the government will apologize to Japan.
However, if the investigation reveals otherwise,... Kim demanded that Japan apologize to South Korea and stop its export restrictions immediately.

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