Juanita Castro on the events of Santo Domingo 1965

2019-07-11 2

Press conference of Mrs. Juanita Castro, sister of Fidel Castro, where she expresses: "I know that the Vietnamese people and the Dominican people, like the Cuban people by reflection, are grateful for that saving action undertaken in Santo Domingo. The people now feel accompanied and hope that they will not be alone to achieve their freedom and the social progress they longed for, and was frustrated by the betrayal and deceit of a communist minority, a minority that is very dangerous, a minority that when It has the opportunity to dominate the majorities, I want to formulate a humanitarian appeal to save my people and other threatened nations, Communist imperialism and its instrument in America, Fidel Castro, are planning to seize this hemisphere. to avoid it, the firm and energetic action of the Organization of American States is necessary, of the rulers as President Johnson has done, of the leaders of the people as the Dominican people have done and the Cuban people will do. And of all the men and women who love freedom, peace and social progress. All united we must act quickly, the UN can not hesitate while discussing in its enclosure. Communist minorities take over popular movements. We must have previously discussed and approved the action to support the people and prevent these communist minorities from frustrating their hopes and enslaving them. "(Ambient sound)
Date: 11/6/1965
Duration: 1 minute 55 seconds
Film code: B-16877

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