100 Korean students to trace the historical footsteps of the Korean Provisional Gov. in China

2019-07-08 54

한중 우호 카라반 출범, 100인의 청년대표 임시정부 소재지 간다

One hundred young Korean students will be tracing the historical footsteps of the country's Provisional Government, which became the foundation of the Republic of Korea.
Marking the 100th anniversary of the country's first government, the foreign ministry held an official ceremony to launch the program.
For 10 days, participants will visit five Chinese cities, including Shanghai and Chongquing.
The government-in-exile was established by independence fighters during Japan's colonial rule, between 1910 and 1945.
The young Koreans will also have the chance to talk with some of the descendants of former independent fighters and also, meet with Chinese college students to discuss cultural ties between Seoul and Beijing.