Iran reduces commitment to 2015 nuclear deal, will begin enhancing uranium enrichment

2019-07-08 4

In its latest move to renegotiate its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers,... Iran says it's fully prepared to further enrich uranium to any level... and with any amount.
Iranian officials say they will reduce the country's commitments every two months,... unless the other countries still in the pact... protect Iran from U.S. sanctions.
Lee Seung-jae reports.
In a news conference broadcast live on Sunday,... senior Iranian officials confirmed Tehran will move away from the commitments it made under the 2015 nuclear deal every 60 days,... unless the other signatories of the pact protect Iran from U.S. sanctions.

"In a few hours the technical work will be done and enrichment beyond 3.67% will begin, we predict that Monday morning when the agency comes to measure our enrichment will be higher than 3.67 percent."

According to Iran's Foreign Ministry,... the move comes as European members of the pact have failed to abide by the deal.

"The reason we are starting our second step in reducing our commitments from the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) today is that Europe and other members of the JCPOA could not meet our demands, specially, in the field of oil and bringing back our income, they haven't been able to do anything worthy".

The other signatories have expressed grave concerns over Iran's threats,... including Britain's top diplomat,... who said the Middle East will be far more dangerous if Iran acquires nuclear weapons.

"Well we continue to think, alongside the French and the Germans, that the most important priority is for Iran to remain nuclear free. We think it'll be far more dangerous for the Middle East if Iran acquired nuclear weapons. We'd still like to find a way to make this deal work. We're very concerned about the news that has come out today and we will wait for independent verification by the relevant international body before deciding what next steps. But obviously if Iran is breaching this deal there will be very serious consequences."

During a cabinet meeting Sunday,... Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Iran's announcement an extremely dangerous move,... and urged European leaders to impose strong sanctions on Tehran.

"This is a very, very dangerous step. I call on my friends, the heads of France, Britain and Germany - you signed this deal and you said that as soon as they take this step severe sanctions will be imposed - that was the security council resolution. Where are you?"

Despite Tehran's continued threats,... the government insists it remains open for dialogue and is leaving the door open to diplomacy.
French President Emmanuel Macron says he and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani have agreed to seek conditions for a resumption of dialogue by next week.
An unnamed U.S. official has confirmed that the U.S. will continue to impose maximum pressure on Iran,... unless the nation stops developing nuclear weapons.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

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