South Korea scrambles jets after 'unidentified object' over DMZ

2019-07-04 229

SEOUL — South Korea's elite military detected an "unidentified object" flying near the border with North Korea on Monday.

The K-Pop nation immediately bounced into action launching some fighters, and then ingeniously alerting the press.
ABC News reported the South's Joint Chiefs of Staff had said earlier on Monday that its radar found "the traces of flight by an unidentified object" over the central portion of the DMZ.
The South Korean media feeding frenzy immediately began making stuff up—sorry, SPECULATING—that it was most likely a North Korean helicopter flying across the border.
Turns out the mysterious object was actually a UFO—YOU KNOW—unidentified feathery object.

According to a South Korean military official who wasn't supposed to chirp about the incident, turns out it was a flock of about 20 birds.

South Korea sent the funner Korea a message about its fighter jets to avoid unnecessary tensions. It's unknown how the flock of birds felt being buzzed by a bunch of flyboys.
The incident came a day after a meeting between BFFs located inside the DMZ between Trump and Kim.

During the meeting Donald briefly stepped into North Korea with Kim for some historic selfies before the odd couple headed back over to the south for some more quality time.

Could this lead to further diplomacy between the U.S. and North Korea? In the out for those UFOs.