CDC Issues Warning for ‘Crypto’ Fecal Parasite in Pools

2019-07-02 127

CDC Issues Warning for
‘Crypto’ Fecal Parasite in Pools Health officials in the USA are warning
people of a parasite, cryptosporidium,
that can potentially cause chronic diarrhea. Infected healthy adults will experience "profuse,
watery diarrhea" for as long as three weeks, with the effects being worse for
children, pregnant women and those
with compromised immune systems. Cryptosporidium has a high tolerance
to chlorine and can survive in a
chlorinated pool for up to seven days. The parasite enters the body through
ingestion of contaminated water. Between 2009 and 2017, 7,465 people
fell ill due to outbreaks, with recreational
water responsible for a third of the outbreak cases. CDC, via statement Although it is considered to be almost
never fatal, one death was reported in 2009
and 287 people have been hospitalized.