"Last Ride of the Iron Horse" tells the tale of baseball great Lou Gehrig's final year in the New York Yankee lineup, as he dealt with early effects of the paralyzing and fatal disease ALS. much of the 1938 season, Gehrig -- dubbed the Iron Horse for his strength and reliability -- struggled with slumps and a mystifying loss of power. Fans booed and sportswriters called for him to be benched. Then, as the Yankees battled for the pennant in August, Lou began pounding home runs like his old self -- a turnaround that in retrospect looks truly miraculous. It may have been a rare case of temporary ALS reversal.Packed from page one with newly-unearthed information, the book chronicles Gehrig's roller coaster of a year. He survived a car crash. He co-starred in a Hollywood movie. He signed for baseball's highest salary. He pushed his renowned consecutive games streak past the 2,000 mark. He battled injuries that would sideline a lesser man. He played in his final World Series. And late in the year, he entered the political realm for the first time, denouncing the rising threat of Nazism. The book also tackles questions that have long intrigued Gehrig fans. When did he sense something was wrong with his body? What were the first signs? How did he adjust? And did he still help the Yankees win the championship, even as his skills declined?The book is published by Sunbury Press. To order, click on the link above.