HPV vaccine found to significantly reduce cancer-causing infections; Study

2019-07-02 3

H-P-V vaccines have been found to sharply lessen the chance of infections,… which could eventually lead to a major reduction in cases of cervical cancer.
According to analysis of 60 million females and males below the age of 30 in 14 wealthy countries where the vaccines were introduced as early as 2007,… scientists from Britain and Canada found the two H-P-V types that cause 70 percent of cervical cancers were significantly reduced after vaccination.
They found an 83 percent decline in infections in girls aged 13 to 19, …and 66 percent drop in women aged 20 to 24... five to eight years after vaccination.
The study suggests substantial reductions in the number of cervical cancer case over the next decade.
The WHO recommends all girls aged nine to 14 get the H-P-V vaccine, …but wealthier countries often offer it to young men and women in a wider range of ages.