Tik Tok China Daily Trending Videos #20190630 抖音每日热门视频

2019-06-30 3

The life of our two men is simple and happy! One by one, tease you to play @摇音小助手 @杨光的快乐生活 @千禾Qianhe_(我们爷俩的生活简单快乐!一荤一素逗你玩@抖音小助手 @杨光的快乐生活 @千禾Qianhe_) - 杨议

Wife said: Mother-in-law, father-in-law and I are the old strings of three invaluable treasures. (I am responsible for shaking, don’t make a mistake, stand in front of the 82-year-old father-in-law, so I am not confident.)(老婆说:岳母、岳父和我是3根无价之宝的老琴弦。(负责抖的是我,别弄错了哈,站在82岁的岳父面前,好没自信)) - 東方戰

Guess who I am imitating?(你们猜我模仿谁?) - 罗志祥

I used to think that the time of the most sand sculptures can no longer be returned. @摇音小助手#Graduation season #嗨二兄弟(曾经以为最沙雕的时光,现在却再也回不去了。@抖音小助手 #毕业季 #嗨二兄弟) - 嗨二兄弟

Chinese hybrid rice has a record high in Africa. Yuan Longping is speaking in English and is very willing to help other developing countries develop hybrid rice. Give praise to Yuan Lao!(中国杂交水稻在非洲创高产纪录。袁隆平用英文致辞,非常愿意帮助其他发展中国家研发杂交水稻。给袁老点赞!) - 人民日报

I heard that this is the most difficult dance on the whole network? Come and join in the fun(听说这是全网最难的舞?来凑个热闹) - 代古拉k

Bod was not at home at noon, his brother was eating and squatting. Brother represented Dad with two sentences. @摇音小助手 @抖音星探家(博爸中午没在家、弟弟吃饭又唠上嗑了.哥哥代表老爸来两句.@抖音小助手 @抖音星探家) - 博哥威武

Don't look at some women who look very fierce, in fact, stupid, hahahaha @言真(别看有的女人看起来很凶,其实笨得要命哈哈哈哈 @言真) - 大狼狗郑建鹏

# will discharge the little cute(#会放电的小可爱) - 徐璐LULU

Is this interesting? (有意思吗?) - 青青杨~

#滑板 Sir Sorry, this is a video worth twenty dollars. I feel funny.(#滑板 对不起这是一个价值二十块钱的视频自己都觉得好笑) - 雾都SK8圈圈

The age of this shrimp is not too small, ready to let him unload the armor! Look at him very tired!(这虾的年龄也不小了,准备让他卸甲归田了!看他样子挺累的!) - NoNo

灰大宝# Are you teasing? @摇音小助手(灰大宝#你是逗比吗 @抖音小助手) - 幽灵儿

Can I spoil you? 喽#哈喽啊小金毛(我可不可以把你宠坏呀#哈喽啊小金毛) - 天气晴

Is your mom different from the mother in the TV series?(你妈和电视剧里的妈妈差别大不大?) - 多余和毛毛姐

The 36th sand sculpture was invented, the carving was not carved #沙雕#沙雕沙雕沙雕#Invention(第36个沙雕发明,雕不雕 #沙雕 #沙雕沙雕沙雕 #发明) - 黑默默丁格