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World leaders wrap up G20 Summit in Osaka

2019-06-29 33

G20 정상회의 폐막... 아베 "차별없는 자유무역 필요성 확인"

World leaders have wrapped up the G20 Summit in Osaka.
In a communique released on Saturday following the two-day meeting,... the G20 leaders called for the need... to realize a free, fair and non-discriminatory trade environment.
It warned that global economic growth remains weak and downside risks linger,... amid intensified trade and geopolitical tensions.
The statement was a watered down version,... that omitted a phrase calling for the need to resist trade protectionism.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, which chaired the summit,... said the leaders agreed on fundamental principles backing a free trade system,... to ensure open markets and a level playing field for all nations.
All G20 countries,... with the exception of the U.S.,... also reaffirmed their commitment to the Paris agreement on fighting climate change.