스카이프 인터뷰: 3차북미회담 가능성이 있을까?
U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted from Japan on Saturday morning that he's willing to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at the Demilitarized Zone between the two Koreas.
To help us read between the lines of this surprising tweet, we have on the line Dr. Joseph Bosco, who served as a National Security Consultant in the U.S. Office of the Secretary of Defense.
Thank you for joining us.
Mr. Trump's latest message comes after he said rather cryptically that he won't be meeting Kim at this time.
At the same time,... both sides have been flaunting their pen pal relationship to the world.
What do you make of President Trump's tweet? Can we expect a third round of nuclear talks in the near future?
Well, before Mr. Trump and Mr. Xi sat down for a meeting at the G20 in a bid to cool their trade tensions, the Chinese leader visited North Korea, which was largely interpreted as a form of messaging and pressure. Do you think this worked, and do you see Beijing playing a greater role in the denuclearization talks going forward?
Trump and Kim's second summit in Hanoi earlier this year ended early with no deal. If we do see a third summit soon, will it be third time lucky? Will both sides be more prepared this time around?
Dr. Joseph Bosco, thank you for your insights.