Super Food Raw Chocolate Cacao Nibs & Powder

2008-11-07 224

Raw Chocolate

The Amazing Story of Raw Cacao Powder & NIbs
Dear Fellow Chocolate Lover:
Who Ever Heard of Over 25,200 Antioxidants in a Single Spoonful of Chocolate?
If you're like me — always looking to take your Chocolate experience to the next level of pure delight — then this may be the most important single message you will ever read.
That's because you're about to discover the most delicious, easy-to-use and mega-potent (955 ORAC units per gram!) form of Chocolate ever revealed. One that's meticulously been kept below 120 degrees Fahrenheit from the tree all the way to the bottle.
Let me make this clear — you've never been able to get 25,200 ORAC units of Antioxidant power in a spoonful of ANYTHING — but now you can get it all and more in one single serving of delicious Raw Organic Cacao Powder!
Isn't it awesome to be one of the pioneers — to be MILES ahead of the natural foods curve? I say this because while everyone else is singing the praise of dark chocolate — we're way, way beyond that.
And now this product is FINALLY "living" proof of... The Shocking Difference Between COOKED Cocoa Powder and RAW Cacao Powder!
Elements of Life
Raw Cacao