Trudeau Economic Failure – Trump’s Great Economy

2019-06-25 1

More Weak Numbers Show Continued Failure Of Trudeau’s Economic Polices

After the massive amount of spending, for Canada to have such low growth is absurd.

The Trudeau government has spent a massive amount of taxpayer money, driving up our debt and deficit.

At times, an infusion of government spending – especially when it’s on tangible infrastructure – can be an economic boost, and can be helpful in the long-term if that infrastructure helps facilitate further economic expansion.

That means it takes a truly special kind of incompetence to run massive deficits and still have weak economic growth.

The latest economic numbers show that Trudeau’s economic policy has been a total failure.
Trudeau’s economy is a total failure

Canadians are getting poorer everyday.

There are many funny games the government and elites play in order to hide the true state of the economy.

For example, they love talking about “GDP growth,” while almost never wanting to discuss GDP per capita.

That’s because GDP growth includes population growth, and while it claims to be “inflation adjusted,” it often seems that real inflation far surpasses what the government claims.

Why would the government want to make sure population growth factors in to how they report economic ‘success?’

Turns out, if immigration numbers are high, it’s almost guaranteed that the economy will look like it’s growing—even if things are actually getting worse.