Fortbyte 11 Found beneath a circling jungle parrot - Forntite Season 9 Week 7

2019-06-25 133

As with all Fortbyte challenges that are unlocked and available to collect in-game, the name of the challenge provides the location as to where the new Fortbyte can be collected.
Fortbyte 11 can be foudn beneath a circling jungle parrot. Here’s the location where you can find the Circling Jungle Parrot, which will be the location of today’s Fortbyte

The location of the Fortbyte will vary depending on where you’ll find the jungle parrot flying when you drop. If you land near the area marked above, look at for the parrot whilst gliding, then adjust your landing accordingly. Be sure to deploy your glider early so you can get a look look at where the jungle parrot is circling.
Once you’ve seen the parrot, drop down where you saw it circling, and you’ll find the Fortbyte for today.

(Located Between i-3 or i-4 on the fortnite map)

#Fortnite #Fortbyte11 #Trending