Culture Ministry aims to improve cultural infrastructure, register 186 more museums and galleries by 2023

2019-06-24 16

박물관•미술관 186곳 더 짓는다…이용률 30% 목표

The government has laid out plans to improve its cultural infrastructure,… hoping to increase the visiting rate to 30-percent by the end of 2023.
The Culture Ministry unveiled its 5-year plan to almost double the visiting rate for museums and art galleries across the country.
It involves registering another 1-hundred-80 museums and galleries, bringing the total to over 1-thousand-three-hundred.
It will also create new guidelines to help the public access those cultural facilities.
These include providing a real-time application so the public can check out what is going on in museums and art galleries, as well as making venues more accessible for the elderly and disabled.