20 Good News Stories You May Have Missed

2019-06-24 14

1. Say Goodbye to 40% of ocean plastics 2. The giant panda is no longer an endangered species. 3. China announced plans to end the ivory trade 4. The US veteran homeless rate declined by 47% in the last 7 years 5. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge funded a medical breakthrough 6. China put a ban on certain coal mines 7. The manatee is longer on the endangered species list 8. The Colombian Government and FARC rebels signed a peace agreement 9. NASA Drone Juno flew 800 million miles 10. Canada protected 85% of the world’s largest coastal temperate rainforest 11. Measles has been eradicated from the Americas 12. Malawi saw its HIV rate drop by 67% 13. 20 countries created protected marine parks 14. Israel produces 55% of fresh water from the sea 15. Scientists developed an Ebola vaccine with a 100 percent success rate 16. World hunger hit a 25-year low 17. Tiger populations are coming back again after 100 years 18. Einstein’s theory of gravitational waves has been proven correct 19. Costa Rica’s electrical grid can run on renewable energy 20. India planted 50 M trees in 24 hours.

Music: Groovtastic by Dhruva Aliman