Tik Tok China Daily Trending Videos #20190622 抖音每日热门视频

2019-06-22 3

I haven’t practiced for a long time, I’m a lot better.(好久不练了,生熟很多嗯) - 小沈阳

Ting Tsai: Ma Ma, blame you, hurt the bear face, 婷婷:. . . . #大熊猫婷婷#大熊猫婷仔#Guangzhou Changlong Safari Park(婷仔:麻麻,都怪你,害窝丢熊脸了婷婷:。。。。#大熊猫婷婷 #大熊猫婷仔 #广州长隆野生动物园) - 没有多余的色彩

() - 罗志祥

Grandma added more than 300 years old and surprised the whole street.(奶奶们加在一起超过300岁了,惊艳了整条街) - 乐退族

() - 川♥️哥哥

Faced with parting, #孙俪 I couldn’t help but cry, but I was forced to cry by Xiao Wen’s son and so on. @摇音小助手(面对离别,#孙俪 强忍不舍与眼泪,却被小暖男儿子等等一席话给逼哭@抖音小助手) - 孙俪工作室

嘿 Li Lan mother Wow? French people sing English songs too brainwashing!!!(嘿 李兰妈妈 哇?法国人唱英文歌也太洗脑啦!!!) - 糯米Nomi♡

The first original song of 4811, "bye bye!" #宿舍#室友#Graduation season @用户小米唐 @千面堕戈 @夔龙(4811的第一首原唱歌曲 《拜拜》!#宿舍 #室友 #毕业季 @网友小米唐 @千面堕戈 @夔龙) - 一个大金意

#抖 can shoot the hometown flavor #边疆人民舞舞舞起~(#抖能拍出家乡味 #边疆人民舞起来 舞起来~) - 哈妮克孜

This question is simple, it is hard to beat me....@摇音小助手#暖男先生(这题简单,难不倒我....@抖音小助手 #暖男先生) - 暖男先生

Today, there will be concerts and I will not forget to send videos to you. Remember to come with me~#Singing(今天有音乐会也不会忘记发视频给你们的,记得来陪我哦~#唱歌) - 戴羽彤_

The signal to get up has already been sent~ I don't dare to move, I don't dare to say, I still want to continue to sleep~ swollen what to do?(起床的信号已发出~我也不敢动、我也不敢说、我就还想继续睡睡~肿么办) - 丫丫

The guest in the rear reported the name, and you can beat you.(后方客人报上名,有能耐你别跳ડડ) - 七海秋