Arctic Ocean to get new underwater fiber optic cables

2019-06-21 3

ARCTIC — Finland-based Fiber optic infrastructure company Cinia and Russian telecommunications operator MegaFon have joined hands to build a fiber optic cable across the Arctic Ocean.

The Arctic Fiber project is planned to be launched in three phases.

As per Submarine Cable Networks, there would be a fiber optic cable line between Nome and Prudhoe Bay in Alaska in Phase 1. During Phase 2, the cable would be extended west into Asia, down to China and Japan. In Phase 3, the cable would be branched into the Lowest Northwest Passage into Canada and onto the United Kingdom.

According to IEEE Spectrum, the cables would reduce latency between European, Asian and North American users.

The magazine notes that there are other undersea cables stretching across the northern Atlantic to Europe, then through the Mediterranean. They cut across the Indian Ocean and go up through the South China Sea before finally spanning the Pacific to the U.S. west coast.

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