Bad phone posture leads to 'horn bone' growth in skull

2019-06-21 63

QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA — New research from Australia has found that excess usage of smartphones causes a horn-like bone spur to grow at the back of the skull.

These bones spurs, also known as enthesophytes, are abnormal bony projections that can form at the attachment of a tendon or ligament.

The University of the Sunshine Coast study found that the bone spurs were 10 to 30 millimeters thick.

Scientists sampled more than 1200 people between the ages of 18 to 30 and found that around 41 percent of the participants had developed a bony lump at the back of their skull.

Further testing such as MRI scans and blood tests were performed. These confirmed that the bone spurs were not a result of genetic factors or inflammation.

Enthesophytes are typically seen in older people with poor posture and are the bones response to stress, according to the study.

Researchers explained that in this case the abnormal growth forms due to long-term pressure on the skeleton, as the head shifts forwards while we use smartphones for extended periods.

According to the study, the bone deformation could cause chronic pain. Carrying the head forward also causes other problems such as neck stiffness and headaches.