Learn how to make Hand Beaten Coffee or Indian Cappuccino at home with Chef Varun on Rajshri Food.
Hand beaten coffee, also known as soft coffee, Indian cappuccino, whipped coffee, and maybe more names is an instant coffee you can make at the comfort of your home in this Rainy Season for your loved ones. Quick And Easy Cappuccino Recipe is a method of preparing creamy and foamy coffee which used, also it is a very simple method of making cappuccino-style coffee at home and requires no special machines and coffee mixes. It involves incorporating air into a paste of coffee and sugar till thick and frothy, by beating the mix with a spoon. This method of beating the coffee mix is what gives the coffee the name Beaten Coffee. On addition of milk, this coffee mix dissolves and the air is released creating a delicious froth of top of the coffee.
Watch our video to Learn how to make Hand Beaten Coffee or Indian Cappuccino at home, and don't forget to share your feedback in the comments section below.
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2-3 tbsp Coffee
2-3 tbsp Sugar
1 tbsp Water (cold)
500 ml Milk
Method: Let's start with Coffee, add in the Mug with Sugar, Water (cold). Next with the help of a Spoon cream the mixture in the Mug for 8 to 10 minutes (as shown in the video). After 10 minutes keep the Coffee aside and heat up the Milk in the Pan on a medium Flame till your preference temperature. Next, do take the Cream out in the bowl. Now add the Hand beaten Coffee & Sugar in the Serving Mug with the Milk and stir it properly, now add hand beaten Coffee & Sugar on top of it with the sprinkling of Instant Coffee on top. Next, your Hand Beaten Coffee or Indian Cappuccino is ready to serve.