(4/17) The Sunni Belief over the Centuries - Islam

2008-11-06 39,909

Among The Sunniyy Scholars of the 2nd Century is Imam Ja^far as-Sadiq radiyallahu ^anhu who said: He who claims that Allah is in something or on something or from something commits shirk (type of blasphemy). Because, had He been on something, He would have been carried, had He been in something, He would have been contained, and had He been from something, He would have been a creation. This is Narrated by Imam al-Qushayriyy in his book ar-Risalah. Furthermore In his book 'Al-Fiqh al-Absat' the great Imam and Mujtahid Abu Hanifah an-Nu^man Ibn Thabit who died in the hijri year 150 said: Allah existed eternally and the place did not. Allah existed eternally before creating the creation. Allah existed eternally without a place or any other creation and He is the Creator of everything. This is --the belief- that the muslim sunni scholars unanimously follow!! ALLAH EXISTS WITHOUT A PLACE.

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