(6/17) The Sunni Belief over the Centuries - Islam

2008-11-06 39,824

Among The Sunniyy Scholars of the 4th Century is the great Faqih and Imam Abu Ja^far at-Tahawiyy who died in the hijri year 321. He said In his book 'al-^Aqidah at-Tahawiyyah': Allah is clear of all boundaries, extremes, sides, organs, and instruments. The six directions do not contain Him, as they contain all created things. Furthermore, In his well-known book 'Sahih Ibn Hibban', Al-Hafidh Muhammad Ibn Hibban who died In the hijri year 354 said: Allah existed eternally and there was no time or place. This is --the belief- that the muslim sunni scholars unanimously follow!! ALLAH EXISTS WITHOUT A PLACE.