(17/17) The Sunni Belief over the Centuries - Islam

2008-11-06 38,936

Among The Sunniyy Scholars of the 15th Century is the former Imam of al-Khatmiyyah Mosque in Sudan Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ahmad known as ash-Shanqitiyy who died in the hijri year 1404. He said In his book 'al-Ayat al-Muhkamat': The scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama^ah have unanimously agreed that Allah does not need anything and that everything is in need of Him. He exists deservedly without the need to an allocator or place. He created the time and place, and He still exists as He eternally was. Moreover, In his book Idhhar al-^Aqidah as-Sunniyyah' (The Elucidation of the Sunniyy Creed) Shaykh and Muhaddith ^Abdullah al-Harariyy, known as al-Habashiyy who died in the hijri year 1429 said: The righteous people of knowledge have stated that Allah is not firmly affixed over a place, meaning that it is intellectually impossible for Allah to become in contact with a particular place and rest over it. This is --the belief- that the muslim sunni scholars unanimously follow!! ALLAH EXISTS WITHOUT A PLACE.

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