(14/17) The Sunni Belief over the Centuries - Islam

2008-11-06 1

Among The Sunniyy Scholars of the 12th Century is the well-known Malikiyy scholar Shaykh Muhammad Ibn ^Abdil-Baqi az-Zurqaniyy who died in the hijri year 1122. He said In his explanation to the book 'Muwatta of Imam Malik': Imam al-Baydawiyy said: Since it is confirmed through irrefutable proofs that Allah is clear from notions of body and dwelling in a place, it follows that it is impossible that Allah would be moving from one place to another. Also, In his well-known poem called 'Kifayat al-Ghulam' the great Sufi Hanafiyy scholar from Damascus, Shaykh ^Abdul-Ghaniyy an-Nabulusiyy who died In the hijri year 1143 said: Allah is certainly not contained in a place, He is above all the creations in status and Allah is clear of all the characteristics of the creation.