(16/17) The Sunni Belief over the Centuries - Islam

2008-11-06 39,396

Among The Sunniyy Scholars of the 14th Century is Shaykh ^Abdul-Majeed ash-Sharnubiyy al-Azhariyy who died in the hijri year 1348 .He said In his book 'Taiyyat as-Suluk': Allah, the Exalted is not subject to time limitations nor is carried over a certain place. In reality, he existed eternally without time or place, and now He exists as He eternally was (i.e. without being subject to place and time). Also, In his book 'Furqan al-Quran' the great Shafi^iyy scholar Shaykh Salamah al-Quda^iyy al-^Azzamiyy who died in the hijri year 1376 said: The truthful righteous Salaf (Scholars who lived in the first three centuries after the Prophetic Migration) and Khalaf (Scholars who lived after the Salaf) unanimously agree to clear Allah the Exalted, from existing in any direction or place. This is --the belief- that the muslim sunni scholars unanimously follow!! ALLAH EXISTS WITHOUT A PLACE.

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