Wil jij jouw bijdrage leveren aan de energierevolutie? Roep dan E.ON op geen kolencentrale te bouwen, maar geld te steken in schone energie. Ga naar:
Om gevaarlijke klimaatverandering te voorkomen hebben we wereldleiders en energiebedrijven nodig die de juiste keuzes maken.
Zijn speech:
When man first walked, upon the moon It defined a generation
As this new millennium dawns, we face a greater challenge Climate change threatens our very existence
What further disasters will convince world leaders That the existing technology In renewable energy Offers the last remaining hope, for a sustainable future?
Hollow words and spineless resolution have failed us Now is the time for an energy revolution
Will we look into the eyes of our children and tell them That we had the opportunity, but lacked the courage? Will we look into the eyes of our children and tell them That we had the technology, but lacked the vision?
Or will we look into the eyes of our children and tell them That we faced our challenge
Like our fathers, before us
And fought,
For the Energy [R]evolution!