LSPDFR 0.31 Episode 22 - Drunk Cop

2019-06-13 3

Join me in GTA V as officer Michael De Santa as we portray what has to be one of the most stunning examples of police hypocrisy, a cop who is drunk while on duty. In true hypocritical fashion, we arrest not only one but two drunk drivers while ourselves drunk. Then to end our shift, we stumble into the Yellow Jack for a drink.

This patrol was inspired by a number of real-life incidents of cops driving drunk both off-duty and even on-duty. It was also partially inspired by a skit by comedian Jon Reep, where a suspected impaired driver gets stopped by a highly-intoxicated cop. (Jon Reep is the same guy from the Dodge commercials, famous for "That thing got a HEMI?")

Although this episode is primarily meant as satire, cops drinking on the job (and even driving drunk while off-duty) is a serious problem that not only can have fatal consequences, but also seriously degrades the already low public trust in law enforcement.

Just yesterday, I read about an off-duty Chicago cop who, while slightly intoxicated, smashed through the window of a restaurant and killed a young lady who was seated near the window. I would think that, of all people, a trained law enforcement officer would know better than to drive while drunk.

If you're going to drink, make sure you have a designated driver who is sober. Especially if you're a law enforcement officer. One would think that would have gone without saying, but apparently it has to be said.

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