Tik Tok China Daily Trending Videos #20190613 抖音每日热门视频

2019-06-13 34

This is probably a math class at Picasso! #高考#数学(这,大概是毕加索上的数学课!#高考 #数学) - 白毛毛

Hey and white hair apply, who can get the job in the end?(叨叨和白毛应聘,最后谁能得到这份工作呢?) - 石榴熟了

Be sure to see the final series #变身(一定要看到最后系列 #变身) - 王雷雷

Someone has a birthday today.(今天有人过生日) - 杨幂

On the second day of her daughter's high school entrance exam, Dad came back from Henan. She gave her a la carte at noon and told her that her father would come back. So she suddenly saw her father and daughter both crying.(女儿中考第二天老爸特意从河南赶回来,中午给她送点菜没告诉她爸爸会回来所以突然见到爸爸父女俩都哭了) - 田欣霖

I heard that this music is very hot... Well, do you like this little brother and dog like this? ❤️#The motherland is in my heart(听说这个音乐很火…嗯,这样的边防小哥哥和狗子你们喜欢吗?❤️#祖国在我心中) - 人民网

#pick爱笑小牙仙(#pick爱笑小牙仙) - 弓长十六

My 1.38 million fans, in order to let you learn to make cool skin in the summer, this time I really tried my #我美食日记(我的138万粉丝,为了让你们在夏天学会做凉皮儿,这次我真的尽力了#我的美食日记 ) - 王小勺美食记

The cats in the school are all fine. #南京#猫(学校里的猫都成精了#南京 #猫) - 茗砸砸砸er

I don’t know if this is a slap.(咱也不知道这是拍的个啥 皮一下 了解~) - zzz

Waiting for you呦##音音大学日日常(等你呦#抖音高校日了个常) - 青岛大学

His brother is 27 years older than him.(他哥比他大27岁) - nuoyi妈咪

The hairy sneaky look, like the one who is afraid of waking up the girlfriend. #英短#Cat and cat and cat and cat @摇音小助手 @Shakeing star explorer(毛毛偷偷摸摸的样子,像极了害怕吵醒女朋友的你#英短 #猫与猫与猫与猫 @抖音小助手 @抖音星探家) - 毛毛是只撒娇鬼

???(???) - 123木头人

I don't seem to be coming... @摇音小助手#暖男先生(我好像不该来...@抖音小助手 #暖男先生) - 暖男先生

Son, you succeeded in occupying my position with toys...(儿子你成功用玩具占领了我的位置……) - 青青果果

Show everyone a slap(给大家表演个截胡) - 苏打妹

It’s not that our girls don’t like to dress up, mainly because they are afraid to dress up and don’t know themselves. What do you think? #妆前妆妆# See me more will play(不是我们女生不爱打扮,主要是怕…打扮起来,自己都不认识自己了。你们觉得呢?#化妆前化妆后#看我多会玩) - 木子欧尼

Don't be angry!!! Don't be angry!!! Get angry is my own!!!! @刘梓豪 #vlogMy daily routine(不要生气!!!不要生气!!!生气吃亏是我自己自己!!!!@刘梓豪 #vlog我的日常) - 张琳

But you were the first to let go of my hand.(可当初是你先放开我的手) - 嘉茵Ariel

The little girl is not talented, she has not been favored by the son, and she has been disturbing her son for a long time.(小女子不才,未得公子青睐,扰公子良久,公子~莫怪…) - 小幸运。

Make a few lawn lights with bamboo and put them on the side of the wooden bridge. The lights lit up at night and the outer court suddenly became beautiful. With light, my heart is stable~(用竹子做了几盏草坪灯,放在小木桥畔。夜晚灯光亮起,外院顿时变得好看。有了光,心里都稳稳的~) - 安小鹿

From the end, there is no shampoo, and the end is bright. #一不小心乐了花(来自一直没洗头聪结尾亮了 #一不小心乐开了花) - 郭 聪 明