Sneezing attack causes SUV to flip and catch fire

2019-06-13 1

BELLE MEADE, TENNESSEE — A 42-year-old man rolled his ride when he suddenly broke out into a sneezing frenzy behind the wheel in Tennessee.

ABC 11 reported that the driver, who was in a white Ford SUV, told police that he was traveling down the road when he started sneezing and then just lost control and flipped his car.

According to News 2, the allergy attack caused him to run off the road and hit a culvert beside Percy Warner Golf Course.

Thankfully a group of golfers and construction workers acted swiftly and rolled the car back over, allowing the trapped man to get out of the vehicle.

The Charlotte Observer reported that just moments after, the vehicle burst into flames that spread along the windshield.

By phone, the man told News 2 what had happened, quote "I just started sneezing — my allergies were flaring, and I started sneezing — It felt like my front right tire went out all of a sudden — I was spinning, and it was over on its side."

ABC 11 said that the man escaped with barely a scratch.

The man continued, "Are you kidding me? I just flipped this car, and I'm walking away with a bruise?"