Elite Dangerous Augmented Reality Game: Why ARGs work!

2019-06-12 5


Please see the original video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24mcej7LWFU
(I HIGHLY recommend you follow the puzzles yourself and come back here if you get truly stuck!!)

Hello all,

Over the last couple of days I've been involved in quite an elaborate Augmented Reality Game (ARG) produced by Down To Earth Astonomy (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg3QI9rHzPgvR7KTKSCtPHg) for Elite Dangerous.

I'm a huge fan of Elite Dangerous and love to see these kinds of community projects going on.

In this video I document the problems and solutions to this particular set of puzzles as well as adding my own bits of information.

Very kind thanks to Nodus Cursorius (Children of Raxxla - Investigations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olRxxc1g-hA)

And of course, thank you to Down To Earth Astronomy for putting this all together and giving permission to make this video, it is very much appreciated and can't wait to see more!

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Music provided by Brock Berrigan, check him out at www.brockberrigan.com/
Bandcamp https://brockberrigan.bandcamp.com/
SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/brockberrigan