2019-06-09 11


No matter how do you prefer to spend your holidays, you will love these summer tips we share with you. If you love camping, you totally should watch this video! You will learn survival hacks because you should know how to survive in different situations. Moreover, we will show you how to solve such small problems as how to get rid of insects, how to start fire and more. All the lifehacks we share are the key to a successful survival scenario.
Watch this video and you will learn various ways to start a fire using ordinary things. You will be surprised by the next easy fire-starting method – use clothes pellets. Moreover, ramen noodle also works as a perfect fire starter. You will be surprised but you can use a water bottle instead of a magnifying glass.
If you don’t have warm clothes, use dry foliage to keep warm. Turn an ordinary tin can into the stove. You can use it to warm up tea or coffee. Clean water is an essential thing for surviving in nature. You will need a plastic bottle, a piece of cloth, coals, grass, and stones. We know a perfect repellent for insects – pounded pine needles.
If you are a camping fan, you are going to love these easy ideas: make a camping foil dinnerware; make a floating key holder out of a wine cork; use a condom as a firestarter; hygienic pads are perfect to avoid sweat stains; check out how to sort waste in the wilderness. You can make a trap for insects using a plastic bottle, brown sugar, yeast, and hot water. Find the tutorial in our video.

00:16 How to start a fire
00:52 Tin can stove
02:22 DIY Water filter
03:05 Natural repellent
09:30 Foil dinnerware