How to Create a New User with sudo Permission in Kali Linux?
First, Right click on the Desktop, and then click on 'Open in Terminal' to Open Terminal. After that, follow the steps below:-
Step 1: Create a New Normal User by command below:-
useradd -m testuser
#-m creates a home directory for the user.
Step 2: Set password for the user:-
passwd testuser
Step 3: Now, Add user to sudo group (This allows user to install software, use the printer etc.)
usermod -a -G sudo testuser
# -a means add
#-G sudo means to add the user to sudoers group
Step 4: Now, we have to specify the shell for our new user.
chsh -s /bin/bash testuser
# chsh means change login shell
# -s means, it is the name of the shell you want for the user, in this case /bin/bash
It's done
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