Study Says Drinking 25 Cups of Coffee a Day Is Safe

2019-06-04 2

Study Says Drinking 25 Cups
of Coffee a Day Is Safe The report was conducted by scientists at Queen Mary University of London. The first group drank less than cup of coffee a day, while the second had between one and three. The final was comprised of those who
drank more than three, with some
even claiming up to 25 cups a day. MRI heart scans were then given
to all subjects in the study. As were tests
concerning pulse waves. Factors like age, weight, blood pressure and diet were weighed into the results. Results went on to show that drinking
a ton of coffee versus just a little did
not affect human arteries. Even those with 25 cups a day did not show
themselves to be more susceptible to stiffness. One of the scientists, Kenneth Fung, says the study
is not recommending you drink that much coffee. Kenneth Fung, via CNN Kenneth Fung, via CNN