U.S. trying to level trade playing field with China

2019-06-04 2

America's top diplomat has reiterated that Washington is exerting efforts to level the playing field with China after decades of unfair trade practices.
Speaking in the Netherlands on Monday, Mike Pompeo also urged America's European allies to join the U.S. in turning the screw on Chinese tech giant, Huawei.
Kim Hyo-sun reports.
The United States is discouraging its European allies from doing business with Huawei,... intensifying its pressure campaign against Beijing.
According to Reuters,... U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told his Dutch counterpart that the U.S. aims to level the playing field with China.

"The Chinese had a very unfair set of rules, and they've been after American markets in ways that are deeply inequitable, and their government is involved in their businesses in ways that America, American companies never, never will be and shouldn't be. We're simply trying to level this playing field, and when we do that, I'm confident that both nations will be successful and grow."

Speaking on the sidelines of a U.S.-Dutch entrepreneurship conference in The Hague on Monday,... Pompeo also highlighted that it's not free trade when foreign companies are required to submit their information to the Chinese Communist Party when investing in China.
Referring to the security threats associated with establishing Huawei's 5G infrastructure network,... Pompeo urged European allies to join hands with the U.S. in pressuring the Chinese tech giant that has close ties with China's government.

"Our ask is that our allies and our partners and our friends don't do anything that would endanger our shared security interests or restrict our ability to share sensitive information."

To this,... Pompeo's Dutch counterpart Stef Blok explained that security is a crucial part of his country's China policy,... adding that changes to the Netherland's 5G auction process could be announced as soon as this summer.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.

Meawhile, China's education ministry warned students and scholars of the risks of going to study in the United States... citing U.S. visa restrictions and urging them to step up risk assessment and make corresponding preparations.
Now, the alert comes after visas of some Chinese students in the U.S. were restricted, the validity period of visas shortened, the visa review period extended, and the visa refusal rate increased.
In response to China's warning, the U.S. says it welcomes Chinese for "legitimate" studies.