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U.S. will talk to Iran with 'no preconditions' if Iran behaves like 'normal nation': Pompeo

2019-06-03 5

美, 걸프서 '모의 폭격훈련'...폼페이오 "이란과 조건 없이 대화"

Tensions may have risen between the U.S. and Iran, but the Trump administration is saying it's still willing to talk.
Hong Yoo reports.
U.S. State Secretary Mike Pompeo said on Sunday that Washington is prepared to talk to Iran with 'no preconditions' about its nuclear program if the country behaves like "a normal nation".
This softened stance comes after Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said on Saturday that Iran may be willing to hold talks if Washington showed it respect.
But Pompeo also said the U.S. will continue its effort to "fundamentally reverse the malign activity of Iran."
"The real challenge is inside of Iran today. They are not caused by our economic sanctions, they are caused by 40 years of the Islamic regime not taking care of its people, instead using their resources that destroy real lives, to use resources to underwrite Hezbollah, using resources to fight in Syria where 6 million human beings, 6 million people have been displaced because of Iranian activity in support of the Assad regime there."
President Trump has proposed talks "without preconditions" since July 2018, before the U.S. imposed sanctions on Iran's oil and financial sectors to squeeze Iran's economy.
But Rouhani dismissed the offer as "word-play" on Sunday saying it was up to the U.S. to return to the negotiating table and resume compliance with the 2015 deal.
On Saturday, the U.S. military had a B-52 bomber and an aircraft carrier in the region simulate strike operations.
The military hardware was dispatched to the Middle East in May citing "credible threats" from Iran to which the U.S. did not offer evidence.
Hong Yoo, Arirang News.

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